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bengkel bmw tegal sekitarnya
Tue 5 Mar 2013 - 23:05 by maxall
malem master semua ,saya anggota baru,baru punya bmw juga, 320i 94 matik,baru semingguan,mau nyari bangkel yang bagus untuk daerah tegal dan sekitarnya.
kronologi bmw rusak
"waktu buat jalan ke jepara,nyampe daerah gringsing tiba tiba matiknya slip,D dan R nggak jalan,sempet nelfon ke tempat beli mobil ( di jkt) suruh ngecek fuse,ada satu yang putus,setelah di ganti tetep aja nggak …
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kronologi bmw rusak
"waktu buat jalan ke jepara,nyampe daerah gringsing tiba tiba matiknya slip,D dan R nggak jalan,sempet nelfon ke tempat beli mobil ( di jkt) suruh ngecek fuse,ada satu yang putus,setelah di ganti tetep aja nggak …
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Comments: 7
Macet total prngapian busi
Tue 10 Dec 2019 - 8:34 by Herman d
Salam kenal semua. Mohon bantu gan, BMW sy 318i thn 1992. Bermasalah dgn pengapian busi tdk ada,semburan bahan bakar ke injeksi tdk ada dan arus listrik dri fuse puel pump sampai kekabel fuel pump tdk ada. Tetapi fuel pump normal hidup kalau disambung langsung lewat aki tetapi bahan bakar tetap tdk ada keinjeksi. Mohon bamtuan sulusinya gan. Kerimakasi
Herman d
Herman d
Comments: 0
530i matic ngebul
Sat 11 Jun 2016 - 21:53 by gunturaguste
permisi suhu, ane bener2 baru nih .... mau angkat 530i. matic. cuma mesin agak goyang (ngebul dikit). apa yg harus segera dicheck? bengkel yg recomended dimana disekitar depok/jaksel? terimakasih
Comments: 0
520i E28 Mesin ndut2an saat Gas diinjek, mohon bantuan om.
Sat 23 Feb 2013 - 12:40 by Ambara
selamat siang saya newbie forum ini dan newbie biem yg habis angkat e28.
Mobil saya saat dipakai jalan kok gas nya brebet2, apalagi pas gas diinjek dalem, mobil ga ada tenaga.
Gigi 3 max jalan di 40 km/jam. kalo gas nya lebih diinjek lagi mesin langsung brebet2 gembos ga ada tenaga seperti mau mati mesinnya , jadi gas harus dikurangin.
mohon pencerahannya om-om suhu, itu permasalahan dimana? …
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Mobil saya saat dipakai jalan kok gas nya brebet2, apalagi pas gas diinjek dalem, mobil ga ada tenaga.
Gigi 3 max jalan di 40 km/jam. kalo gas nya lebih diinjek lagi mesin langsung brebet2 gembos ga ada tenaga seperti mau mati mesinnya , jadi gas harus dikurangin.
mohon pencerahannya om-om suhu, itu permasalahan dimana? …
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Comments: 10
Sun 6 Dec 2015 - 19:39 by dhe_dhe
Nich gan barangkali ada agan - agan yang memiliki masalah dengan AC, Dan yang rusaknya Modul ACnya, bisa kebayangkan harga buat belinya. Mendingan diperbaiki dulu beli baru opsi terakhir. silahkan dibaca
Mudah mudahan bisa membantu, Saya sudah coba dimobil saya berhasil.
Mudah mudahan bisa membantu, Saya sudah coba dimobil saya berhasil.
Comments: 1
Tue 7 Oct 2014 - 21:41 by johan82
salam kenal.....
mohon penceerahan....mobil saya ada netes di bawah jok depan sebelah kiri...di cek bau bensin....tapi ketika mobil mati yg netes ilang...kira2 apa ya....
mohon penceerahan....mobil saya ada netes di bawah jok depan sebelah kiri...di cek bau bensin....tapi ketika mobil mati yg netes ilang...kira2 apa ya....
Comments: 6
Mesin tidak mau hidup
Sat 13 Apr 2013 - 12:11 by kalung
Salam kenal agan2 bmw lovers..
Mau tanya nih masalah bmw 320i..
Kronologinya tuh mobil ga mau hidup, distater tapi ga mau nyangkut mesinnya..
Dulu pernah begini, malemnya abis dipake jalan paginya ga bisa hidup..abis itu dicek masalah kelistrikan (ke busi) & bensin (ke mesin) sama om ane yg ngerti mobil & hasilnya ok..ternyata pas ganti busi mesinnya hidup lagi..
Nah kemaren terjadi lagi …
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Mau tanya nih masalah bmw 320i..
Kronologinya tuh mobil ga mau hidup, distater tapi ga mau nyangkut mesinnya..
Dulu pernah begini, malemnya abis dipake jalan paginya ga bisa hidup..abis itu dicek masalah kelistrikan (ke busi) & bensin (ke mesin) sama om ane yg ngerti mobil & hasilnya ok..ternyata pas ganti busi mesinnya hidup lagi..
Nah kemaren terjadi lagi …
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Comments: 4
Mohon Bantuan
Sat 1 Nov 2014 - 0:32 by saptsbecks
Perkenalkan saya sappit anggota baru d forum ini
saya mohon bantuan dan pencerahan, saya lagi cari lampu belakang untuk BMW 318i E36 M40 thun 1990
mohon bantuan dari rekan2 sekalian
terima kasih.
saya mohon bantuan dan pencerahan, saya lagi cari lampu belakang untuk BMW 318i E36 M40 thun 1990
mohon bantuan dari rekan2 sekalian
terima kasih.
Comments: 1
AC bmw e36 bermasalah kadang nyala kadang mati
Wed 7 Oct 2015 - 23:40 by dhe_dhe
Mohon pencearahannya.
Ada masalah di ac mobil ane gan, Ac kadang nyala kadang mati. Kondisinya adalah ?
1. Jika pertama kali mesin menyala kemudian rpm dianggka 900, maka dipastika ac tidak nyala, namun blower nyala, indikatornya pada mati ? tapi kalau rpm lamsam di 700an ac pasti nyala.
2. setelah dibawa jalan cukup jauh diputer lagi acnya baru nyala, kadang dibiarkan on nanti nyala sendiri.
3. …
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Ada masalah di ac mobil ane gan, Ac kadang nyala kadang mati. Kondisinya adalah ?
1. Jika pertama kali mesin menyala kemudian rpm dianggka 900, maka dipastika ac tidak nyala, namun blower nyala, indikatornya pada mati ? tapi kalau rpm lamsam di 700an ac pasti nyala.
2. setelah dibawa jalan cukup jauh diputer lagi acnya baru nyala, kadang dibiarkan on nanti nyala sendiri.
3. …
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Comments: 3
Strut brace - how it works
5 posters
Halaman 1 dari 1
Strut brace - how it works
It is my belief that a strut bar definitely does help. And during the explanation that follows I will try to provide a convincing argument for this.
Figure 1 shows the forces of interest in a strut bar analysis. For this calculation only horizontal forces need be considered. There are of course vertical forces, but since the sum of forces must independently equal zero in both the horizontal and vertical directions, we can concentrate on just the horizontal forces in this analysis.
We must begin by making some assumptions. First, consider an M3 cornering such that it experiences 100% weight transfer at the front wheels. This is not at all unusual on a modified M3. We have probably all seen pictures of an M3 in a turn with its inside front wheel in the air. That is a sure sign of 100% weight transfer.
Second, let us assume that our M3 is cornering at 1G. Again, on a modified M3 with R-series tires, this is very plausible. If an M3 weighs 2700 lbs and has close to a 50/50 weight distribution, then the outside front tire must generate a lateral force of 1350 lbs under the circumstances just outlined.
Thus F1 = 1350 lbs as depicted in the figure above. The figure is really a "free body diagram" which considers the forces that act ON the strut/wheel assembly (the blue link in Figure 1). These forces must sum to zero in the horizontal direction. Also, the sum of the torque's acting on the strut/wheel assembly must cancel out. Our goal is to determine the force F3 which is the force that the strut tower exerts on the strut assembly. There is an equal and opposite force exerted on the strut tower BY the strut assembly.
We can solve for F3 if we do a balance of torque's around the outer ball joint (where the control arm attaches to the strut). What we get is:
F1(L2) = F3(L1) or, F3 = F1(L2/L1)
Now, we already know F1 = 1350 lbs. And we can determine L1 and L2 from a quick measurement of an M3 (L1 = 24.3" and L2 =6.0"). Thus F3 = 333lbs.
So the conclusion is that when an M3 corners at 1G with 100% weight transfer at the front wheels, there is a 333 lb force pulling OUT on the outer strut tower. Since the inside wheel is un-loaded there is no corresponding force generated at the inside strut tower. Therefore a strut tower bar tends to be in tension, not compression as is often believed.
Now we ask ourselves: How critical is a force of 333 lbs pulling on the outer strut tower?
This 333 lb load amounts to about 12% of the car's total weight. Even though the strut tower is designed mainly to manage vertical forces , 333 lbs in the horizontal direction is not going to permanently deform the chassis. But the problem is that this force is repeatedly applied over many cycles during the life of the car. The more you drive it hard the more cycles you generate. This can lead to fatigue failure of the material that forms the strut tower (or where the strut tower attaches to the inner fender well).
What a strut bar does is tie the two strut towers together so that they share the load applied at the outer tower. This gives you twice as much material to deal with the same cornering force and helps reduce fatigue stress in this area.
Another point to consider is that if your outer strut tower is deflected outwards 0.20" by this 333 lb force, then you just lost 0.5° of negative camber! If it deflects 0.42" you have lost a full degree of negative camber.
This demonstration has hopefully illustrated how a strut tower bar can be beneficial. But what about the possibility of a strut tower bar being under compression?
Contrary to the simplified analysis on the previous page, many people believe that a strut tower bar is predominantly under compression, not tension. This assertion is partially born out in some cars where the strut towers gradually move closer together over time. And I have heard of incidents where the strut tower bar was instrumented with strain gauges as the car was driven around. These tests show the strut tower bar is under compression as well as tension, depending on what the car is doing. One test showed that the highest loads recorded on the strut bar were in compression as the car was pulling out of a garage (sideways down an inclined driveway - we have all heard a stiff car twist under this condition).
So what is this all about? Is a strut tower bar under tension or compression? One likely theory is that it experiences both. It just depends on the driving conditions. Cornering on smooth asphalt induces tension. Driving in a straight line over bumps induces compression. A force diagram illustrating how compression forces result from driving in a straight line (over a bump) is shown in Figure 2:
The left side of the figure shows the resultant forces acting ON the strut tower assembly. Force 1 is the road holding the car up, and force 2 is the weight of the car. Forces 3 and 4 result to stop the strut from spinning (they counter the moment produced by forces 1 & 2). Force 4 of course has an opposite and equal reaction force which is Force 5. This is shown on the right (in green) and is the resulting compression force on the strut tower.
Bear in mind that when the car encounters a sharp bump or dip in the pavement that the chassis may momentarily experience 3 or 4 G's. This means that F1 and F2 in Figure 2 could equal about 2800 lbs! F3 and F4 (and therefore F5) are much smaller, but could still be quite significant. To calculate F5 more precisely requires some measurements. I will get to this eventually.
In conclusion, some cars spend most of their lives driving in a straight line. Such cars might experience the strut towers moving together over time. Track cars spend a lot of their time cornering at over 1G. Thus a track car might see it's strut towers spread apart over the years. Thus a strut tower bar can be under tension OR compression depending on the environment that the car is operated in.
source sent by email by mr. B.P.K. Bintoro on 1st November 2008
Figure 1 shows the forces of interest in a strut bar analysis. For this calculation only horizontal forces need be considered. There are of course vertical forces, but since the sum of forces must independently equal zero in both the horizontal and vertical directions, we can concentrate on just the horizontal forces in this analysis.
We must begin by making some assumptions. First, consider an M3 cornering such that it experiences 100% weight transfer at the front wheels. This is not at all unusual on a modified M3. We have probably all seen pictures of an M3 in a turn with its inside front wheel in the air. That is a sure sign of 100% weight transfer.
Second, let us assume that our M3 is cornering at 1G. Again, on a modified M3 with R-series tires, this is very plausible. If an M3 weighs 2700 lbs and has close to a 50/50 weight distribution, then the outside front tire must generate a lateral force of 1350 lbs under the circumstances just outlined.
Thus F1 = 1350 lbs as depicted in the figure above. The figure is really a "free body diagram" which considers the forces that act ON the strut/wheel assembly (the blue link in Figure 1). These forces must sum to zero in the horizontal direction. Also, the sum of the torque's acting on the strut/wheel assembly must cancel out. Our goal is to determine the force F3 which is the force that the strut tower exerts on the strut assembly. There is an equal and opposite force exerted on the strut tower BY the strut assembly.
We can solve for F3 if we do a balance of torque's around the outer ball joint (where the control arm attaches to the strut). What we get is:
F1(L2) = F3(L1) or, F3 = F1(L2/L1)
Now, we already know F1 = 1350 lbs. And we can determine L1 and L2 from a quick measurement of an M3 (L1 = 24.3" and L2 =6.0"). Thus F3 = 333lbs.
So the conclusion is that when an M3 corners at 1G with 100% weight transfer at the front wheels, there is a 333 lb force pulling OUT on the outer strut tower. Since the inside wheel is un-loaded there is no corresponding force generated at the inside strut tower. Therefore a strut tower bar tends to be in tension, not compression as is often believed.
Now we ask ourselves: How critical is a force of 333 lbs pulling on the outer strut tower?
This 333 lb load amounts to about 12% of the car's total weight. Even though the strut tower is designed mainly to manage vertical forces , 333 lbs in the horizontal direction is not going to permanently deform the chassis. But the problem is that this force is repeatedly applied over many cycles during the life of the car. The more you drive it hard the more cycles you generate. This can lead to fatigue failure of the material that forms the strut tower (or where the strut tower attaches to the inner fender well).
What a strut bar does is tie the two strut towers together so that they share the load applied at the outer tower. This gives you twice as much material to deal with the same cornering force and helps reduce fatigue stress in this area.
Another point to consider is that if your outer strut tower is deflected outwards 0.20" by this 333 lb force, then you just lost 0.5° of negative camber! If it deflects 0.42" you have lost a full degree of negative camber.
This demonstration has hopefully illustrated how a strut tower bar can be beneficial. But what about the possibility of a strut tower bar being under compression?
Contrary to the simplified analysis on the previous page, many people believe that a strut tower bar is predominantly under compression, not tension. This assertion is partially born out in some cars where the strut towers gradually move closer together over time. And I have heard of incidents where the strut tower bar was instrumented with strain gauges as the car was driven around. These tests show the strut tower bar is under compression as well as tension, depending on what the car is doing. One test showed that the highest loads recorded on the strut bar were in compression as the car was pulling out of a garage (sideways down an inclined driveway - we have all heard a stiff car twist under this condition).
So what is this all about? Is a strut tower bar under tension or compression? One likely theory is that it experiences both. It just depends on the driving conditions. Cornering on smooth asphalt induces tension. Driving in a straight line over bumps induces compression. A force diagram illustrating how compression forces result from driving in a straight line (over a bump) is shown in Figure 2:
The left side of the figure shows the resultant forces acting ON the strut tower assembly. Force 1 is the road holding the car up, and force 2 is the weight of the car. Forces 3 and 4 result to stop the strut from spinning (they counter the moment produced by forces 1 & 2). Force 4 of course has an opposite and equal reaction force which is Force 5. This is shown on the right (in green) and is the resulting compression force on the strut tower.
Bear in mind that when the car encounters a sharp bump or dip in the pavement that the chassis may momentarily experience 3 or 4 G's. This means that F1 and F2 in Figure 2 could equal about 2800 lbs! F3 and F4 (and therefore F5) are much smaller, but could still be quite significant. To calculate F5 more precisely requires some measurements. I will get to this eventually.
In conclusion, some cars spend most of their lives driving in a straight line. Such cars might experience the strut towers moving together over time. Track cars spend a lot of their time cornering at over 1G. Thus a track car might see it's strut towers spread apart over the years. Thus a strut tower bar can be under tension OR compression depending on the environment that the car is operated in.
source sent by email by mr. B.P.K. Bintoro on 1st November 2008
Terakhir diubah oleh p4ri tanggal Thu 1 Jan 2009 - 11:23, total 1 kali diubah
p4ri- Jumlah posting : 2958
Reputation : 112
Join date : 11.12.08
Lokasi : Surakarta
Re: Strut brace - how it works
wah bacanya kudu pelan2 bgt nih...
bhs inggrisku cekak... he3x../
bisa terjemahin yg sederhana aja gak mas?
thx ya...
bhs inggrisku cekak... he3x../
bisa terjemahin yg sederhana aja gak mas?
thx ya...
Herry.E36- Jumlah posting : 992
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Join date : 08.12.08
Age : 44
Lokasi : Comal
Re: Strut brace - how it works
He..he..he.. dulu sering kabur waktu pelajaran bhs Inggris ya?
Pada dasarnya si strut brace atau strut bar itu menahan strut tower atau dudukan shock absorber agar tidak berubah saat mobil melaju di jalan lurus ataupun saat menikung. Itu makanya kalau sudah pasang strut brace kan rasanya kemudi agak berat.
Pada dasarnya si strut brace atau strut bar itu menahan strut tower atau dudukan shock absorber agar tidak berubah saat mobil melaju di jalan lurus ataupun saat menikung. Itu makanya kalau sudah pasang strut brace kan rasanya kemudi agak berat.
p4ri- Jumlah posting : 2958
Reputation : 112
Join date : 11.12.08
Lokasi : Surakarta
Re: Strut brace - how it works
oooooo... terasa beratnya pas nikung ya?
katanya bikin stabil nikung kecepatan tinggi, bener gak mas?
after ganti rack end + tie rod blm sempet tes drive nih....
males keluar..... tahun baru pasti rame jalannya...
hari ini aja pergi bareng2 pake kijang... jalan rame....
tp kok byk e36 sliweran ya..... plat B semua....
gak ada yg kenal... he3x...
gimana klo perkenalan plat nomer yok?
biar tahu klo ketemu dijalan.... he3x....
biar ati2 klo ketemu mblnya om boim......
katanya bikin stabil nikung kecepatan tinggi, bener gak mas?
after ganti rack end + tie rod blm sempet tes drive nih....
males keluar..... tahun baru pasti rame jalannya...
hari ini aja pergi bareng2 pake kijang... jalan rame....
tp kok byk e36 sliweran ya..... plat B semua....
gak ada yg kenal... he3x...
gimana klo perkenalan plat nomer yok?
biar tahu klo ketemu dijalan.... he3x....
biar ati2 klo ketemu mblnya om boim......
Herry.E36- Jumlah posting : 992
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Join date : 08.12.08
Age : 44
Lokasi : Comal
Re: Strut brace - how it works
Sebenarnya karena ditahan di puncak menara suspensi, beratnya terasa kalau setir dibelokkan atau diputar. Tapi enak kalau nikung di kecepatan tinggi. Cobain aja sendiri.
p4ri- Jumlah posting : 2958
Reputation : 112
Join date : 11.12.08
Lokasi : Surakarta
Re: Strut brace - how it works
p4ri wrote:Sebenarnya karena ditahan di puncak menara suspensi, beratnya terasa kalau setir dibelokkan atau diputar. Tapi enak kalau nikung di kecepatan tinggi. Cobain aja sendiri.
ok besok klo sempet keluar tak cobanya mas....
pengen tes drive kmrn hasil ganti parts... n spooring manual tempo dulu....
Herry.E36- Jumlah posting : 992
Reputation : 0
Join date : 08.12.08
Age : 44
Lokasi : Comal
Re: Strut brace - how it works
Herry.E36 wrote:
ok besok klo sempet keluar tak cobanya mas....
pengen tes drive kmrn hasil ganti parts... n spooring manual tempo dulu....
Ati2 bro ngetes boilnya....
Saran ane " boleh ngebut tapi tetep jgn lupa ngerem "
Salam ngebut....
Re: Strut brace - how it works
Spooring manual pakai benang kasur? Apa di Pkl tidak ada tempat penyelarasan roda mobil?
p4ri- Jumlah posting : 2958
Reputation : 112
Join date : 11.12.08
Lokasi : Surakarta
Re: Strut brace - how it works
nah untuk masalah "how does it work" kan udah dpt info dari om pari
untuk masalah kisaran harga??? ada yg bisa kasih info.. thx
untuk masalah kisaran harga??? ada yg bisa kasih info.. thx
hari_34174- Jumlah posting : 213
Reputation : 3
Join date : 19.06.10
Re: Strut brace - how it works
Kontak aja om Henry>. Untuk E36 kalau gak salah di kisaran Rp. 1.5jt.
Kalau mau bikin sendiri juga bisa. Contek aja dari web. kang Herry.E36 juga pernah bikin sendiri.
Kalau mau bikin sendiri juga bisa. Contek aja dari web. kang Herry.E36 juga pernah bikin sendiri.
p4ri- Jumlah posting : 2958
Reputation : 112
Join date : 11.12.08
Lokasi : Surakarta
Re: Strut brace - how it works
thx infonya om pari,
nanti coba tanya2 dulu deh.. bro herry.e36 jarang posting skr..
nanti coba tanya2 dulu deh.. bro herry.e36 jarang posting skr..
hari_34174- Jumlah posting : 213
Reputation : 3
Join date : 19.06.10
Re: Strut brace - how it works
Bro Herry sekarang sibuk urus anak.
p4ri- Jumlah posting : 2958
Reputation : 112
Join date : 11.12.08
Lokasi : Surakarta
Re: Strut brace - how it works
Om Pari, apakah efek strutbar membuat mobil menjadi kurang nyaman saat dikendarai di jalan yg jelek & bergelombang ?
semenjak pake strutbar, e30 saya seperti lbh rigid saat dijalan jelek & bergelombang. memang sih kalo nikung lebih enak serasa pembalap walaupun cuma kisaran 80kpj
mohon info juga efek pemakaian strutbar bila dipakai harian dengan kondisi jalan 50% bergelombang & banyak tambalan aspal.
semenjak pake strutbar, e30 saya seperti lbh rigid saat dijalan jelek & bergelombang. memang sih kalo nikung lebih enak serasa pembalap walaupun cuma kisaran 80kpj
mohon info juga efek pemakaian strutbar bila dipakai harian dengan kondisi jalan 50% bergelombang & banyak tambalan aspal.
poenkers- Jumlah posting : 28
Reputation : 1
Join date : 27.05.11
Age : 46
Re: Strut brace - how it works
Memang iya. Karena si strut brace kan mencegah menara menjadi menguncup. Jadinya memang rigid. Kalau pengen lebih rigid lagi, lower arm bushing diganti yang pejal seperti yang dipakai M3.
Pakai saja terus. Sayang kan kalau sudah dibeli tapi tidak dipakai?
Pakai saja terus. Sayang kan kalau sudah dibeli tapi tidak dipakai?
p4ri- Jumlah posting : 2958
Reputation : 112
Join date : 11.12.08
Lokasi : Surakarta
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